The International Research Working Group of Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis

Abstract submission closed

Abstract submission and organized session proposal have been closed. Thank you for many submissions.

Abstract Submission

Authors are invited to submit the abstract of the talk with two types of electronic files (LaTeX and PDF) through the web submission page linked below. To prepare the abstract files, authors are requested to use the following template.

The deadline for submission of abstract is June 14th June 30th (extended), 2019. The abstract should include the following information.

The manuscript will be converted to the style of the abstract booklet at the publishing office. Do not change any typesetting style such as baseline skip, page width, font size, etc.

All speakers are requested to make registration before submission of the abstract.

  1. Registration (closed)
  2. Abstract Submission (closed)
If you can not browse the registration form or the abstract submission sites, contact We will send you a registration form and/or a submission form by e-mail. Please visit Registration Process for more details.


Organized Session Proposal

The organizing committee invites the proposal of organized sessions focusing on specific topics related to the research areas of the conference.

The organized sessions should be arranged with the following instructions:

If you wish to organize the session, you are kindly requested to submit the following information to

The deadline of submission of the proposal is June 30, 2019.

The session organizer must get the approval of all the speakers in the session. However, the organizer can submit the tentative list of speakers before obtaining their approvals if necessary.

The speakers of the organized sessions also submit the abstract of the talk; the submission process is the same as regular talks.

Notice that every participant can have at most one talk in the whole schedule of the conference.