The International Research Working Group of Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis

Deadline extension

To encourage more submission of your articles of quality, we have decided to extend the date of the deadline until April 15th, 2020. We look forward to your submission.

Call for Papers: Proceedings of NACA-ICOTA2019

Participants who had a talk in the conference NACA-ICOTA2019 are invited to submit a paper for the proceedings of NACA-ICOTA2019.

All submitted papers are required to have originality, and they will be subject to be peer-reviewed by the experts of the related fields. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of the conference to be published by Yokohama Publishers.

The editors will recommend selected top quality papers to be published in the journals listed below as a regular paper.

In this case, the editors will request the authors to submit a survey of their results and related studies to the proceedings.

The manuscript should be prepared by using LaTeX with the proceedings template file and must be submitted before February 29th, 2020 April 15th, 2020 (extended) by email to

We look forward to your submission.

Editors of the Proceedings of NACA-ICOTA2019