Accommodation ANA Intercontinental Manza Beach Resort Participants can make a reservation by offering a special price of ANA Intercontinental Manza Beach Resort. If you are hoping to make a reservation for special price of NAO2018 from our (NAO-Asia 2018), Step 1. Please register from (Very) Early-bird Registration. Step 2. Please download the PDF for this hotel reservation. (ADVANCE BOOKING FORM) Step 3. Please return the PDF (Please let me know the date of your stay) Step 4. Please complete the payment from (Very) Early-bird Registration. Step 5. If you will receive "form for Deposit" from our, Please return this form within a week. Regular booking for NAO-Asia 2018 5(MON) --8(THU) 4 nights
¤ Please download the PDF for this hotel reservation.
The 6th Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization 5-9 November, 2018 at Okinawa Japan Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University & ANA Intercontinental Manza Beach Resort |
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